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This page explains how to upload log data by UDP.

Below are link to how to configure WSJTX and JTDX but the system is not limited to just those programs. If your logging program allows you, to configure or send ADIF data by UDP then the following informatin is what you require to make it happen. I cant include all logger configs but they will be similar to WSJTX or JTDX or Log4OM. The most difficult part will be finding the page for the settings.

You will require to enter The following:

P.S. dont include the " " only information between them.

server IP Address ""

Some systems may ask for URL name ""

Server Port number "23308"

If you use FT8, more specific infomation on WSJT-x ,   JTDX and Log4OM can be found by clicking the highlighted service.