Guest ; year selected is :-

Problems reported and under investigation on the Robot.
Reported   By   Problem   Resolution   Status   Resolved  
2024-11-19 G4VTO Add Top band to FT Acivity  Three files updated to make 160 visible on the FT activity list. FT DXCC also updated to include 160m. Resolved 2024-11-19 
2024-10-29 G0FHH Manual Entry The mode value is not entered when entering a manual entry. Typo in the php collection of post data Mode not mode. Resolved 2024-10-29 
2024-10-11 RADIO Club Using UDP with Log4OM Until now UDP support is working fine but users are not sure how to set it up. Several Help pages generate for WSJT-x, JTDX and Log4OM. Resolved 2024-10-18 
2024-10-13 'M0TRU Login scripts and pw reset not working Investigated and found some left over bugs from the rebuid and so remedied by re hashing Register script and a few changes to the password change script Resolved 2024-10-22 
2024-09-23 G6GLP New pages produced Two new pages introduce for public view of FT8 and MFSK. The pages show number of contacts per band for each user or No of DXCC per band for each user in a month. The month can be adjusted to review past history Resolved 2024-09-23 
2024-09-01 g6glp Inadvertant run of skpfx routine The skpfx routine ran in beginning of September and screwed all the Q1 and user pfx data. It is not clear how or why the program ran as it is under the control of a cron job. To fix the problem a copy of the script was made and various bits of data changed to simulate the April date. When run the stats were put back as they should be. The temp script is saved in case it is required again (hope not). Resolved 2024-09-01 
2024-08-23 G6GLP Wrong Email for prefix Dist The Mail parameters needed changing for he new mail system when the prefix test is run each quarter. Resolved 2024-08-23 
2024-07-08 2E0SPS DATA Award error Problem with calculating the result compared to the description in the rules. The Problem turned out to be the wording of the rule and has now been changed to reflect 1 point per DXCC on any of the 9 HF bands but a DXCC only counts once regardless of the band. Resolved 2024-07-08 
2024-03-14 G6GLP Activity award The Activity list has been updated with this years membership Resolved 2024-03-11 
2024-02-14 G3LHJ Missing entries on summary sheet The summary sheet submitted as part of the end of year review for some reason did not include all contests. This is still to be looked into but the contest manager page has been updated so all information can be retrieved manually if required. Under Investigation 2024-02-14 
2024-01-14 G6GLP Title Banner Banner changed to reflect the change in TARS main site header. Old bg color value was silver now #B9F3FF Resolved 2024-01-14 
2024-01-08 g6glp COOKIE Routines Cookie routines errored if an invalid login were tried. Changed logic flow in cookies file to ignore error. Resolved 2024-01-08 
2024-01-05 G6GLP New page added The submit entry page has an addition where the user can now go and get the submitted pdfs. Resolved 2024-01-05 
2024-01-05 G6GLP No pdf Summary for Manager to download Missing files found and placed in correct folder. Correct code to look in correct place and move to correct place. Broke submit routine now fixed. Resolved 2024-01-05 
2024-01-01 2E0EVM Unable to change year for submission of results In Summary page when the year is is change the error rports int to string problem. To clear had to remove /* --- */ around variable year placed there for testing and left behind. Resolved 2024-01-01 
2023-12-30 M0CHE Problem on Data page caused by non DXCC Having just updated the Country list again this problem shows up. see issue 2023-05-22. D1DX was the problem. It is in the Crimea so is contentious at best. To solve the problem I have put an entry for D1 in the country list to clear the fault.  Resolved 2023-12-30 
2023-03-29 G6GLP GMAIL not receiving mail All mail to GMAIL accounts was being stopped due to SPF setting in my DNS. The answers given by google were not very helpful until I obtained an example and made the change. Mail from me to GMAIL now seems to work but I am not sure of email from the ROBOT which is still to be checked. The answer is either invoke DKIM in the dns and buy a cert for £5 per month or to use another server for email. The later is my choice and will transfer email delivery to come from TORBYARS in the future. Date not decided or even agreed. Mail to users when uploading log now using TORBAYARS email address(2023-01-08). Mail sent from the ROBOT now goes out from TARBAYARS and will be received by all including GMAIL users. Resolved 2024-01-23 
2023-05-22 M0CHE Problem on Data page caused by non DXCC D1DX was the problem. It is in the Crimea so is contentious at best. To solve the problem I have put an entry for D1 in the country list to clear the fault. Resolved 2023-05-22 
2023-03-12 M7DRY Lack of Summary pdfs in the contest applications After the crash the PDF file generator didn't get copied across. It will take a while to complete the change but there is no urgency until Jan 2024! Rewrite of Summary page and a bit of config file and changed some graphics Resolved 2023-04-27 
2023-01-02 M0CHE G8PEW Problem with award submissions A tightening of headers in mail and a logic error to help the problem along. != changed to !==
$a != $b Not equal true if $a is not equal to $b after type juggling.
$a !== $b Not identical true if $a is not equal to $b, or they are not of the same type.
 Resolved 2023-01-02 
2023-01-01 G3LHJ Various awards crash Again problem found to be non existent calls and prefixes.
The Prefix check needs to be rebuilt but thats a bigger problem.
 Resolved 2023-01-01 
2023-01-01 G3LHJ Various awards ccrash Again problem found to be non existent calls and prefixes.
The Prefix check needs to be rebuilt but thats a bigger problem.
 Resolved 2023-01-01 
2022-12-19 M0CHE Score all over the place Detail analysis found that all contacts were being marked as invalid resulting in silly scores. Problem tracked to the prefix check sub routine and the extra < removed. It is a result of unintended consequences after the problem that G3LHJ reported with C0 being listed rather than CO. Resolved 2022-12-21 
2022-12-10 G6GLP Systen no sending multi mail with files attached PHP5>php8 caused a tightening of parameters in the mail system that had to be addressed. Resolved 2022-12-10 
2022-12-09 G3LHJ Errors in some Results Problem traced to entries with no contact call and or invalid entries where 0 instead of O. Traps put in to catch these. Derrick given list of affected entries. Resolved 2022-12-10 
2022-10-02 2E0EVM Non reporting of 3 month prefix check The problem was he incorrect re-use of variables in the routine that runs once every three months to check the prefixes worked in the previous three months. Resolved 2022-10-02 
2022-07-19 G6GLP Access level error on upload file page Reset the access level to 1 Resolved 2022-07-19 
2022-07-12 G3LHJ PHP reports on data page IN PHP 8 variables have to be defined before use so I find it best to place them at the top of the code. Unfortunately I missed one in a class. There will be others I am sure so please report any you might find. Resolved 2022-07-12 
2022-07-04 G6GLP UDP access not working Found CRON not running.
Downloaded cronie and set cron running.
Built crontab and initialised script1 in ROBOT.
Corrected script calls on 1min update (mysqli) and directory changes due to permissions issues.
completed. UDP now running for users.
 Resolved 2022-07-06 
2022-06-22 G6GLP PDF file not being genetated TCPDF is not PHP 8 compliant. TCPDF 6.2 or higher required. Plus re write the individual contest sheets to accommodate PHP 8. Solution found:- change to all the tcpdf files for new directory structure. change to all the test files to suite new access to TCPDF files rewrite complete Resolved 2022-06-28 
2022-06-21 G6GLP DXCC not showing in vhf and 6m OLD code! Code rewritten Resolved 2022-06-21 
2022-06-20 G8PEW R9GM showing as EUROPEAN not ASIATIC COUNTRY listing has R9G as European. Email sent to AD1C for clarification European it is! Resolved 2022-06-20 
2022-06-20 G8PEW SSB has error line at base caused by permissions  The file in uploads/storage/TARS_ROBOT_FILES is rasied using "tony.rider" as the owner and then is tried to be updated by "apache" Resolved as part of rewrite of TCPDF files Resolved 2022-06-28 
2022-06-17 M0CHE RTTY and SSB listings screw up Removed a line in class_tars_v2.php that deleted temp.sort TABLE. It was previously inserted to cure another issue which will now re-appear Resolved 2022-06-18 
2022-06-17 M0CHE Unable to upload file File was 6M in size and rejected by server. Changed php.ini to allow larger files memory and post uploads but had no effect. Finally added ".user.ini" file to TARS_ROBOT directory with:- upload_max_filesize = 40M post_max_size = 40M  Resolved 2022-06-18 
2022-06-13 G8PEW Upload reports negative value Incorrect value carried forward from main upload page Resolved 2022-06-14