Guest ; year selected is :-

Awaiting Information From Log4OM user

Please remeber that sending in the ADIF by UDP is not specific to any one mode or band so will send all your contacts, but they can not be seen by others on the ROBOT.

See page 188 - 190 of manual


Port: 23308

Open settings (top bar)

Scroll down to Software integration

Select Connections

Right hand side UDP OUTBOUND

Enter port No , ( 23308 )

Connection name of your choice ( TARS ROBOT )

Destination IP Address ( )

Service type click arrow on the right select ADIF _ MESSAGE

Press Green Arrow to enter message in box below



Similarly inbound messagess can be set up the same way

but there is no need for this with the Robot.

If you wish to chck all is working follow the details below:-

First go to the robot and check you score in FT* by clicking the TARS FT8 ACTIVITY

Look for a band where you have no score.

Now install the UDP in Log4OM and after saving close it down.

Now re open Log4OM and when ready enter a single FT8 call on the band where you have none.

After about 2 minutes refresh the TARS FT8 ACTIVITY page.

If all is working there should be a count of 1 in the bandwhere you entered the contact.

If you want the conact removed delete from Log4OM and from Robot.

To delete an entry see How to Edit your log.